Originally I ran this website under the GNU GPL 2.0 public license, but then I began to see my words and work appearing at other sites without due credit being given. As a result, I had to register this website with the U.S. Copyright Office. All the content at this site is now protected and all rights are reserved (Actually, all works on a United States website are copyright protected by default, so the registration is just an additional formality).
Everything in this site not credited to others is solely my own work. Most of the images used on the site reside in the public domain. In a few cases, I have obtained specific permission to use a particular image, excerpt or video. I try to be as above board as possible and if you feel that an image is being misused, please contact me (below) and I will investigate it. I do not run this website to make money and no media is used without giving credit to the people who put the time in.

I have no idea what the future holds, but I am not a fan of advertisements, banner statements, pop-up flashers, diversion links or any other similar junk. Unless they can pay me enough to afford my dreamed of estate in Hawaii, I intend to avoid all the advertising crap. That is my promise to you the reader and your patronage, which I appreciate!