Welcome to what may turn out to be a pretty crazy website. My name is Jay (obviously), and I am an engineer, budding author and most importantly, … father. Normally, I am pretty shy and wouldn’t fool with establishing a website, but as some of my AI models have begun to attract attention, and I release my first two books, it seemed like a more natural step than having my content spread out over many different platforms and sites. Whether you are here because you stumbled upon me by mistake, need someone adept in artificial neural networks, are considering reading a bit of my writing, or like me, are trying to find good experiences to pass on to your child, I hope you find this site useful and informative. I know the layout and design of this website currently suck, … but hey, … at least there are not annoying ads popping up, driving you to test the integrity of your screen with your forehead 🙂 Hopefully at some point, I will get the figurative doors attached and the roof tiles nailed down. Feel free to use the Contact link, as I welcome comments and hope to improve this venue as time passes. Enjoy some recent headlines below and thank you for your patronage!

(Copyright 2020)

October 13th, 2024 – Space X has completed with fifth test of their Starship rocket with the booster being successfully recovered back at the gantry:

October 12th, 2024 – Harris and Trump face off on Family Feud:

October 9th, 2024 – The Nobel Prize winners of 2024 are:


October 6th, 2024 – I’ve always enjoyed Stephen King’s books and a decent list has been compiled of the best movies based upon his works:


I strongly disagree though with the ranking of The Shawshank Redemption. Best movie I have ever seen, … bar none.

October 4th, 2024 – A woman flew from New York City to Thailand to see Moo Deng. Who’s Moo Deng you might be asking? This little cutie:

You can read about the woman’s trip here:


October 3rd, 2024 – Liz Cheney appeared with Kamala Harris at a rally in Saginaw, Michigan and said this:

October 1st, 2024 – Scientists have completed the first full connectome map of the fruit fly:

People not familiar with neuroscience might believe that a fruit fly and humans have nothing in common but so much that takes place within a fly’s brain, also takes place in human brains. This is a major step forward in the quest to better understand the complexity of the human brain, … and the mind that arises from it.

September 28th, 2024 – Kamala Harris is making inroads in the battleground states of Georgia and Arizona:


September 25th, 2024 – The Ukrainian military is using robotic dogs for numerous purposes to combat the illegal Russian invasion:


September 23rd, 2024 – The social lives of some octopi may be richer than previously estimated:


September 20th, 2024 – A data scientist has an interesting method for looking at the 2024 election:


September 19th, 2024 – Computer models suggest that the ancient Earth was both much hotter and much cooler than previously thought:

September 17th, 2024 – Scientific America has only made a recommendation once before for U.S. president in its 179 year history. In 2024 they are recommending Kamala Harris for president . This is part of what they had to say:

“The US faces two futures,” the editors wrote, pushing one candidate who “offers the country better prospects, relying on science, solid evidence and the willingness to learn from experience.”

They continued: “In the other future, the new president endangers public health and safety and rejects evidence, preferring instead nonsensical conspiracy fantasies.”


September 15th, 2024 – Interesting research indicating the neurological changes that women undergo during pregnancy:

September 13th, 2024 – Fox News polling has revealed that Kamala has gained steam in Georgia and North Carolina after her debate performance:


September 13th, 2024 – Ancient DNA reveals that two populations of Neandertals existed living only about 160 km apart from each other:

September 13th, 2024 – Chris Wallace, formerly an anchor at Fox News believes that the debate was “devastating” to Trump:


September 10th, 2024 – Kamala Harris has won her first debate with Donald Trump if betting markets worldwide are to be believed.

Most betting markets say Kamala was considered the winner by a 90 to 94% margin to 6% margin for Trump. She did manage to get Trump talking about people in Ohio eating cats. That was pretty funny, …. take a look:

I’ve also never seen anyone “alpha” someone with a handshake but she did. Congrats Kamala!

The biggest celebrity endorsement of 2024 is probably Taylor Swift. After the debate, she gave her support to Kamala Harris. Again, pretty funny since Trump released fake A.I. created images of Taylor supporting him.

September 8th, 2024 – This is a public service announcement to all my readers, … I am asking everyone to reconsider doing business with Ebay.

Ebay has become so greedy that they now feel entitled to take 15% of every single sale a seller makes on the platform. When Ebay began, I believe their commission was around 1%. I would urge all sellers to begin using other platforms in the same way customers are refusing to pay post-COVID prices in many areas. Ebay also has no phone number to reach anyone in the United States who can actually help you. You can only talk to pacifiers in the Philippines. I highly recommend my readers reject this company and their greed and turn to other auction and selling sites.

September 7th, 2024 – Arch-conservative Dick Cheney, the former Vice-President under George Bush has said that he will vote for Kamala Harris for president:


He believes that Trump is the single greatest threat to the United States in the modern era.

September 6th, 2024 – Colin Gray, the father of Colt Gray, the boy who killed four people at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia has been charged with murder for purchasing his son an AR-15 as a Christmas gift AFTER his son threatened to shoot up the school:


September 5th, 2024 – Allan Lichtman, the professor and historian who has correctly predicted all the previous presidential elections believes that Kamala Harris will win the 2024 election:


Professor Allan Lichtman of American University

He did predict Al Gore to win in 2000 and Al Gore did win the popular vote but the Supreme Court stopped the counting in favor of George “Nukleare Strategery” Bush who went on to lead us to a massive war in Iraq that accomplished nothing and the Great Recession. Therefore, some might say he is nine out of ten when it comes to predicting.

September 4th, 2024 – Well, we were long overdue for the next school shooting, … and now we have it at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia. At least four innocent people are dead while nine others have been shot by 14-year-old Colt Gray.

14-year-old murder suspect Colt Gray

All the victims were shot with, … yes, you guessed it, … an AR-15 purchased by the boy’s father (Colin Gray) after the boy threatened to shoot up the school in 2023. Amazing, …. his son threatens to shoot up the school so the father buys his son an AR-15 as a Christmas gift so he can complete the job?!!! Even crazier, it appears he named his son after Samuel Colt, the 19th century firearms manufacturer! The father has now been charged with murder and manslaughter and will likely be going to prison along with his son.


Richard Aspinwall, Christina Irimie, Mason Schermerhorn and Christian Angulo were all killed by another troubled teen who was able to take his father’s supposedly secured AR-15. Prosecute the parents like the Crumbleys in Michigan.

All would have been prevented if we simply adopted the laws and rules that 35 out of 36 First World nations follow (in Switzerland, anyone applying for a firearm permit must go for a live psychiatric interview). The rest of the world no longer lives in 1872 Dodge City, Kansas and it is time to join them!

September 3rd, 2024 – Kamala Harris is increasing her support among those workers pulling in less than $20,000 a year:


September 1st, 2024 – Protesters marched to demand a deal with Hamas and Gaza officials for the release of remaining Israeli prisoners:


August 27th, 2024 – The possibilities for Dark Matter continue to shrink:

August 23rd, 2024 – Tired of being asked, “What insurance card do you have?” rather than “What is wrong with you?” when you enter an American hospital? Afraid your kid might be murdered at school by the troubled teen whose father has loosely secured arms at home? Afraid you are going to have to take an expensive trip out-of-state to get treatment for a dangerous ectopic pregnancy? Upset that the richest 1% own 40% of everything you see around you? Afraid that the Supreme Court allows unlimited dark money to flow into elections? Afraid that Trump might be elected and continue his borish ass-clown behavior while lacking those most important human traits: integrity and compassion?

DON’T COMPLAIN, ……………………………. VOTE!!! You’re gonna get a chance in about 70 days!

August 22nd, 2024 – Kamala Harris accepted the nomination for President of the United States at the DNC:


August 21st, 2024 – Governor Tim Walz of Minnesota spoke at the Democratic National Convention last night and accepted the nomination for Vice President:


August 20th, 2024 – Pretty funny stuff from Barack:

August 19th, 2024 – The record breaking heat wave of the last 14 months shows no signs of stopping:

August 16th, 2024 – Further proof that the Earth was once covered in ice and frozen over for roughly 85 million years during the Cryogenian Era (720 to 635 million years ago):


August 15th, 2024 – The all important “double-hater” group of people who really did not want to see a rematch between Biden and Trump are now leaning heavily to Kamala Harris:


I would not say I am a double hater but I would really liked to be spared another 2020 type election. And unless Trump wins by a landslide, which all election exerts see as implausible (Biden won in 2020 by more than seven million votes nationwide), he is going to whine and whine and whine like a petulant child and claim he was cheated again.

August 14th, 2024 – Over the preceding eight days, Ukraine has taken over a section of motherland Russia near Kursk, …. and that makes me, ….. very happy.


Putin is an absolute ass$%#!, ….and somehow thinks he is reforming the USSR. In reality, all he is doing is getting hundreds of thousands of people killed or maimed, including a staggering 530,000 (estimated) of his own men!!! And for what, …. a piece of Ukraine (about 14% of the country not counting Crimea which they illegally seized in 2014) that has almost no viable mines left, no viable factories operating, no major natural resources, and a grain crop that even at full production would take (according to the Economist) an amazing 43 years of full sales to pay for the money he has spent on war efforts so far. If someone said that Canada attacking Greenland is the dumbest idea they have ever heard of, …. Russia attacking Ukraine is even dumber. Absolute and pure stupidity.

August 12th, 2024 – Kamala Harris has now moved into the favored position at betting houses and online sites in Canada, the UK, and Europe.

Kamala, …. the favored candidate?

(Due to U.S. regulators, no legal betting site in the United States will take bets on a U.S. presidential election (thank God).) Most places now have Kamala at -100 to -125 in relation to Trump at even money to +100.


Again, I don’t put too much stock in betting houses but they do very carefully gauge the sentiment of the public at large. If people are feeling upbeat about voting for a particular candidate or downbeat about another (as they did with respect to Biden in July), the betting markets will show that.

So many Americans were groaning in 2023 and early 2024, …. almost no one I know was looking forward to a rematch between Biden and Trump. It may be as simple as the first party to dump their old guy, … wins. About 80% of people are just looking for a return to normalcy, …. me included. I would actually look forward to a boring president who just does the job without all the theatrics.

August 12th, 2024 – Amazing photo of Steph Curry of the Golden State Warriors putting away a three-pointer against the 7’4″ French superstar, Victor Wembanyama:


STEPH WAS ICE COLD DOWN THE STRETCH. 🥶 Four three-pointers in TWO MINUTES AND 11 SECONDS to close out France for the gold medal. 🥇 #ParisOlympics

♬ original sound – NBC Olympics & Paralympics

August 11th, 2024 – Some of the emotions from those who have won gold medals at the Olympics:

Gabby Thomas winning gold in the 200 meters:


Tara Davis-Woodhall was filled with emotion during the U.S. national anthem after receiving her very first #WorldIndoorChamps gold medal. 👑 #trackandfield #teamusa #nationalanthem #longjump

♬ original sound – NBC Olympics & Paralympics

And of course, Simone Biles:

August 9th, 2024 – Kamala Harris and Donald Trump have agreed to a presidential debate on ABC News on September 10th:


August 8th, 2024 – One of the leading research scientists behind the quest to better understand human consciousness has a new book out:

August 7th, 2024 – Not putting too much stock in national polls especially when it is only the battleground states that matter but Harris continues to improve her lead:


Several pundits back in the spring said that whichever party dumps their old guy first is the party that will go on to victory. They may be right. Let’s also not forget the lesson of Hillary in 2016 who thought she had the Blue Wall locked up and did not. Harris seems to be well aware of the mistakes that cost Hillary the election in 2016 and so far, seems to be making moves to avoid her difficulties.

August 6th, 2024 – Kamala Harris has chosen Minnesota Governor, Tim Walz as her running mate for the 2024 election:


Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota and former Congressman, Educator, Coach, and Master Sergeant

Tim Walz began life after high school as a blue collar worker and later joined the U.S. Army as an enlisted soldier (later reaching the rank of Master Sergeant in the Army National Guard). He eventually earned degrees in education and later taught history and was a football coach in Mankato, Minn. From 2006, he was elected six times in a row and represented the 1st Congressional District of Minnesota. He is widely seen as a moderate who holds both progressive and conservative positions. He is mostly known for his likeable personality and ability to work with both sides of the aisle. Tim Walz is widely respected by both Democrats and Republicans both in Minnesota and in Congress for being someone reasonable and someone who can listen to opposing ideas.

August 5th, 2024 – I don’t put too much stock in polling as pertains to U.S. presidential elections. That being said, Nate Silver now has Kamala Harris slightly ahead nationally by about a point over Trump. Kamala is also leading in four of the seven battleground states (and continues to increase her share of voters in the other three):


If polling is not that attractive to me, …. then what is? I tend to find Professor Allan Lichtman, who has correctly predicted eight of the nine preceding presidential elections correctly to be more trustworthy. (He actually predicted all nine previous elections correctly except that the Supreme Court threw the 2000 election to Bush. (Gore won the popular vote by over 500,000.))

Professor and Historian, Allan Lichtman

His system is based on broad trends and does not consider polling at all. Currently, he believes the advantages put Kamala Harris in a much stronger position to win the election than Trump. He has promised to make his official prediction in the days after the Democratic National Convention in late August.

There are less than 100 days to Election Day and I am excited to get out and drum up support for reasonable government by reasonable people who don’t want Gilead or a return to the 1950s! Am I a super fan of Kamala? … no I am not. But if my choice is between a rule abiding woman who will support democracy and reasonable government versus a narcissistic, wife-cheating, convicted felon, Putin wannabe who tried to start an insurrection and who hates American democracy, … the choice is clear, …. Kamala by a mile!!!

Aug 2nd, 2024 – Major study from the journal Nature details the danger to four major climatic systems:


August 1st, 2024 – The Biden Administration working with the U.S. State Department has managed to finally free Paul Whelan and journalists Evan Gershkovich and Alsu Kermashiva. All were widely considered to have been jailed in Russia on false charges.


July 28th, 2024 – Trump is now saying that if he wins, … four years later in 2028, Christians won’t have to vote again because he will rig it so no more voting will be required:

He is now openly saying how corrupt he will be if elected, ….. WOW! Just cue the dictatorship. It is hard for me to believe that this guy is even attracting five percent of the American vote in a country where we have had democracy for roughly 250 years now!

Many Trump supporters have said that they like that the ex-President speaks his mind freely (please see Jim Jeffries comment on this) and speaks directly and off-the- cuff. If he speaks directly, …. then folks, … take him at his word; democracy is something he will work to destroy. Please keep him far away from the White House. He is a menace to humanity and freedom loving peoples everywhere.

July 26th, 2024 – The Trump assassination attempt, …. what to make of it?

Anyone who visits this site regularly knows that I dislike conspiracy theories with a passion. My motto has alway been the Laplacian minimum, better stated as ECREE: …. Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence. Simply put, if you claim that there are preserved alien bodies at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, you better have a sample of their tissue or a working ray gun, … or no one is going to believe you. How does that figure into the attempt on Trump’s life? …. We’ll get to that in a minute.

Yesterday, Director of the FBI, Christopher Wray testified that the FBI still remains unsure if Trump was hit with a bullet or shrapnel.

He basically said that the FBI is unsure what happened. It is also convenient that Crooks was killed almost immediately.

In a frame by frame analysis of the footage, there seem to be some contradictory claims. Given Trump’s penchant for theatrics and his TV background, ….. I will only say that my skepticism meter is ticking highly. In the photos where Trump is dropping down to dodge, there is no blood after the “impact.” (Photos taken by people in the crowd immediately behind him.) The shooter was directly to the right of Trump, so at the exact moment the bullets were fired (as Trump was looking straight ahead speaking to the crowd), they were not on a trajectory to graze his ear. Either they (the bullets) would have hit the right side of his head or missed. (There is some discrepancy as he began to duck and realized he was under fire, … so for now, I will say it was possible Trump had turned his head by the time of Crooks last shots.) Also, people who are under fire don’t in the middle of that fire with possibly more bullets on the way, suddenly raise their arm up in defiance. Anyone who has ever seen footage of people under threat from a shooter knows that people duck, run, and hide as fast as they can. It is base, low level programming of the mid-brain and brainstem taking over to preserve life.

The shooter was also directly to Trump’s right about 135 meters away. From 135 meters away with a modern AR-15 and optics, an 85-year-old could hit Trump with 95% accuracy if they previously sighted in their weapon, which Crooks did according to the FBI that morning. When I was a kid, I did a fair amount of hunting with my trusty 22 and Winchester 94. I never nicked a deer’s ear. One of two things happened and happened immediately, … I either hit dead on in which case the animal dropped or I missed and it ran off. The whole thing is one tiny hair away from being, …. staged.

That said, …. ECREE must hold. An extraordinary claim must have extraordinary evidence to support it. In this case, … there is no extraordinary evidence, …. yet. I look forward to continued investigation of the Trump shooting and Matthew Crooks motivations. Unless extraordinary evidence emerges, I will believe that an honest attempt was made on Trump’s life, and I would urge readers to not engage in unwanted conspiracy theories and consider the same.

July 25th, 2024 – Barack and Michelle Obama have given their endorsement to Kamala Harris for president:


July 24th, 2024 – Potential life once existed on ancient Mars? Decide for yourself:

July 22nd, 2024 – As expected, Kamala Harris is trying to rally major Democratic party figures and donors to her cause. Again, …. with no disrespect to her, … she does not have the essential traits needed to win in the seven battleground states. For this reason, I urge my readers to call the Democratic National Committee at 202-863-8000 and voice your support for someone who actually has a chance to win, … like Mark Kelly and Gretchen Whitmer (and/or some combination including Beshear or Shapiro). In order to win a national election, the Democratic candidate MUST appeal to the possible Nikki Haley fan who dislikes Trump and the independents who have been hit hard by inflation and egg prices. That is not Kamala. If all of us call in now, the Democratic National Convention in August can hold open rounds of voting until the best candidates emerge. But we need to speak our voice NOW, … not in September when it will be too late.

July 21st, 2024 – Biden has decided to drop out of the race for U.S. president. He has endorsed Kamala Harris, his Vice-President.

I mean no disrespect to Kamala, …. but she has ZERO chance of winning in seven battleground states! (Which are the only ones that are important due to the messed up Electoral College system that the U.S. uses to elect presidents.)

Kamala does not endear or enjoy the respect of someone like Barack Obama. She is seen as too liberal and too partisan by many independents and conservatives to ever win in places like Georgia and Arizona. She would do far worse than Hillary did in 2016. Certainly, Kamala has some good traits, … but in a national election, …. she has ZERO chance of winning. Even if she is kept as the Vice President on a Democratic ticket, she will only pull it down. Now that Biden has stepped down, so should she.

So, … Who can Democrats put forth that actually has a chance to win and is widely admired amongst both conservatives and liberals? ….

How about Mark Kelly, Senator from Arizona for President, … and Gretchen Whitmer, Governor of Michigan for Vice-President. Both have won in battleground states, both are reasonable, both have integrity, and both according to those who have worked with them are good-hearted people. Please contact your local Congressional Representatives now and the National Democratic Party immediately to let them know that a Kelly-Whitmer ticket would attract many of the conservative soccer moms and Nikki Haley fans and Never Trump Republicans. A Kelly-Whitmer ticket would poll higher than Trump and Vance in every battleground state and would win widespread support from many independents (who actually decide presidential elections).

July 19th, 2024 – There has been much discussion amongst those I know as to what is best with respect to President Biden. Speaking for myself, I believe it is best that he and Kamala step down. Realistically, Biden tried to do good things and be an honorable man for four years but inflation and egg prices and the lingering effects of the COVID fiasco are now part of his label, even if that is unfair. He does not have the gas in the tank to go four more years and Kamala does not have the widespread popularity needed to win a general election across seven battleground states.

If they step down, who should replace them? My answer:

Arizona Senator, Mark Kelly

Arizona Senator Mark Kelly for President. He is moderate, well-educated, intelligent, and reasonable. He leans liberal on some social issues but also supports many conservative causes in Congress. He initially flew A-6E Intruder attack aircraft and later F14 Tomcats and F-18 Hornets for the U.S. Navy as a test pilot before commanding several Space Shuttle missions and then representing Arizona as a senator. Most notably, …. he has in abundance that crucial element that Trump lacks, …. integrity. He is widely viewed by all those who have worked with him to be a man of principle and a good human being overall. And who should be his running mate?

Michigan Governor, Gretchen Whitmer

Gretchen Whitmer is the governor of Michigan and is widely viewed as moderate and a person of good character. She would make an excellent Vice-President. She has initiated several decisions within the state of Michigan that have benefited her peoples. And she has the charisma and ability to appeal to independents who desire a team of moderates that will make decisions that benefit all Americans and not a select few.

A ticket with Kelly and Whitmer would not only poll well across the United States but would poll higher than Trump/Vance in all the battleground states. Independents and conservative Democrats along with all the Never-Trumpers and Nikki Haley fans would likely find a place for their vote in a Kelly – Whitmer ticket. Kelly and Whitmer also know how to win office in battleground states. In short, … it would be a winning ticket. If you are a reader of this site, then you know that I support moderate, reasoned government by people who are good human beings. Please contact both their offices and the National Democratic Office in support of a Kelly – Whitmer ticket.

Some might wonder, … why not switch the roles with Whitmer for President or a consideration of Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear. Unlike numerous other First World nations who are now on their second, third, fourth, etc … female prime minister or president, …. sad as it is to say it, … America is just too conservative to elect a female to the top position yet. I would love to see our first female president, … but we as a nation just are not there yet. Hillary couldn’t pull it off and neither could Nikki Haley. Kamala Harris does not have wide support among independents needed to win. Michelle Obama might be able to but she wishes to remain out of politics. Sadly, we are close, … but not yet close enough to where we can have a female president. As to Shapiro and Beshear, either one could be an excellent running mate for Mark Kelly. The reason I like Kelly and Whitmer is that both are moderates who have won in battleground states. They know what it takes and they have a broad appeal that is lacking with Trump and Vance. I also like that both have good track records and both are widely considered by those who have dealt with them to be honestly good people. Being a good person, …. and a good-hearted person, …. matters, …. ALOT!!!

If Biden is going to step aside, then he needs to be replaced not by Kamala or Newsom or Pritzker, … none of whom can win a national election, … but by a team that really would work for all Americans and that is actually able to win. In my opinion, that ticket should be Kelly-Whitmer.

July 18th, 2024 – Rare pictures have been taken of a previously rarely contacted peoples living in the Peruvian rainforest:


July 13th, 2024 – A man apparently tried to assassinate Donald Trump, missed with his rifle, and was killed in a bizarre incident that is still being investigated:


July 9th, 2024 – Taking small amounts of psilocybin alters large-scale synchronicity within the brain:

July 4th, 2024 – Happy 4th to all the readers who visit here!

July 2nd, 2024 – New research into the “world’s oldest computer,” the Antikythera of Ancient Greece shows that it was most likely manufactured to track the lunar year:


July 1st, 2024 – The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the president has some forms of immunity with regard to “official acts.” I couldn’t disagree more. One of the bedrock principles of the United States is that there is no Divine Right, …. no king, …. no emperor. Our country was founded by people wishing to flee such rulers. If the president of the United States receives a parking ticket, he or she must pay it or appear in court to appeal it, just as every other U.S. citizen must do. If the president commits an illegal act while in office, he or she must answer for it the same as any citizen. To say otherwise, … is not American. To argue that the President has a special immunity that is granted nowhere in the Constitution is a dangerous principle that will very quickly come back to haunt every citizen in the country. For example, under the new right granted by this immunity decision, Richard Nixon would not have been forced to step down. Biden could order DEVGRU (Seal Team Six) to assassinate Trump and then declare that he was protecting American democracy as an “official act.” Trump, who has declared he will be a dictator on only the first day if re-elected (who believes that bullshit?) will surely stretch this ruling to commit all manner of illegal acts.

Horrible decision for the U.S. people combined with the fact that six justices now dictate policy to 335 million people, 50 to 65% of whom disagree with the majority of their rulings. Take the overturning of abortion, …. 65 to 71% of women nationwide support the right to an abortion up until the 24th week and about 63 to 66% of men do. Polling done in 2023 shows that about 71 to 74% of Americans believe the president has no right to special immunity, with about 57% of Republicans agreeing.

As a result, I am now encouraging my readers to consider actively resisting any judgement which goes against the “good of the people.” Interpret that however you wish to.

June 28th, 2024 – The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that the Chevron Doctrine which has been used by the federal govt. to regulate numerous special areas of industry or commerce, … especially public health, consumer safety, and the environment is too far reaching in a 6 to 3 vote. This means that everything from monitoring the population of Maine lobsters so that they are not overfished to the amount of chemicals that food companies can pour into children’s cereals is now up for review and appeal by all the speciality bodies that make money off such tactics. In my opinion a major blow to the overall health and welfare of all U.S. citizens.

And the Biden versus Trump debate was a fairly large let down. Biden looked stiff, somewhat confused, and forgetful, particularly in the first ten minutes of the debate while Trump went off on wild tangents that had little connection to reality or involved well-known and disproven claims. Out of 335 million people in the country, … we can’t find two people who are both reasonable, grounded, in command of the facts and intelligent enough to do the job?

Important Past Posts – On May 1st, 2024, my first novel, The Song of Kiri was finally published and will soon be available on Amazon

Not my favorite cover but worthy of being released.

I am hopeful that this book will present many interesting paradigm shifts to currently held scientific viewpoints. From the mind-body problem to humpback communication to the Fermi Paradox to the possible future that awaits mankind, I believe it to be filled with good ideas that will be worthy of debate. I hope my readers enjoy!

You can find the paperback here: (Kindle, Hardback, and Audio versions will follow shortly)(This link surprisingly does not work for Chrome on the desktop.)

Sept 28th, 2023 – Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Mark Milley, responds to Trump’s threat to kill him:

I know that roughly 35% of those that voted for Trump in the 2020 election were not true supporters of him. They just wanted the Supreme Court to remain conservative, or to deter illegal immigration, or to preserve their gun rights, etc … Sadly though, about 65% of them voted for Trump simply because they think he is a “fighter.” They like that he is uncouth, says whatever comes to his mind, is wildly unfaithful to Melania, and is not afraid to ruffle feathers. However, when you attempt to pull off a coup because you are not man enough to shake hands and congratulate a fellow competitor and then follow it up with wild antics such as threatening the life of America’s highest ranking armed services member, … that is pure and simple, … batshit crazy. If my great uncle who fought in WW2 and was a Republican his entire life until he passed in 2011 were alive, he would be enraged. Trump represents almost none of the qualities of the traditional Republican voter from the 1940s to about 2010. Respect for the family, limited government, work ethic, faith in God, faithfulness to your spouse, maintaining a strong military, strict on crime, modesty, remaining humble, etc …. You can be sure that should Trump win in 2024, it will be nothing but four years of revenge politics that do nothing to move our nation forward. Consider what is in your mind, … what is in your heart, …. this guy (Trump) is a fundamentally bad person. He is nothing like the honorable candidates of John McCain or Mitt Romney. Consider Trump’s demeanor and how much hate fills this guy (when does a day go by that he is not raging on social media?). Don’t believe me?, … listen to General Milley, … the guy is a lifelong Republican.

Everyday, … All Day, … until the Illegal War of Aggression Ends – I am a supporter of Ukraine and their right to remain independent of Russia and Putin’s kleptocracy. In a world where leaders are truly held accountable, Putin would be brought before the ICC and found guilty of waging an illegal war and crimes against humanity. Let’s all stand with Ukraine to repel Putin’s illegal invasion and attempt at mass destruction.