Wordy people just have a great deal of verbiage to expel. Those afflicted are not quite sure why that is, … it just is. Perhaps certain connectome architectures throughout the cerebral cortex mean that experiences cannot just be absorbed, … they must be returned (and possibly appraised by others). It’s a realignment method for restoring reality much like REM sleep is for normal people. For most folks, preparing breakfast, driving to work or sitting on the toilet are just daily routines but for those enamored by language, they become escapades of the imagination.
Escapades demanding comment, … often against our will.
As the years have passed, I continually find myself questioning and considering all manner of that which others might call “normal,” … from racewalking to the fact that you’re twice as likely to be killed from a falling vending machine as from a shark attack. Often for myself, the best way to reach an accommodation with the black humor of this reality is to simply put fingers to keyboard.
As such, I am going to try to add some hopefully meaningful pieces which may (or may not 🙂 ) present interesting asides on topics as mundane as the circularity of haircuts to the sublime nature of love. I hope if nothing else, they incur moments of humor and interesting conversation with friends.